What do you treasure most? Ask a hundred people that question and you probably won't get the same answer twice.
I recently received an invitation to a friend's party. She asked each guest to bring along something they treasure. So that got me thinking, What do I treasure most? The more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that what I treasure most isn't something I can put in my purse and take to a party. No, it's far more special than that. Let me tell you about it.
First and foremost, I treasure Jesus and my relationship with Him. He is the air in my lungs, the strength to face each day, and the joy that keeps me going. If it wasn't for Him and His love, I wouldn't be who I am.
I treasure my family, a special and unique collection of people.
They are always there, always loving, even if we don't agree on everything. We have been together through the good times and the bad times. Their support and care has kept me going.
I couldn't ask for a dearer group of people to call my family.
And I treasure my friends.
They keep me strong, offer support, and make me laugh. They listen when I need to talk (or rant) and they tell me what I need to hear, even when I don't want to hear it.
We have been together through thick and thin, caring and sharing. We walk together on this road called Life.
Without these special people in my life, I would be lost.
So these are my treasures. Because when it all comes down to it, possessions are nice, but they are replaceable. But there is no way to replace the people in our lives. Love them, treasure them, make the most of every single second with them. I know I sure will. Because they are the blessings I don't deserve; they are what makes life worth living.
What do you treasure most?